In This Section

Ages: 8 – 9 years
Grade 3 is 5 days a week from 8:00am to 3:00pm (snack and lunch included) with the option of After School Clubs. Grade 3 has one teacher and one co-teacher.
Grade 3 Curriculum: Program of Inquiry
An aim of the PYP is to create a transdisciplinary curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant for learners. This curriculum provides opportunities for students to build meaning and refine their understandings through a range of student- centered engagements. The curriculum is broken down into six transdisciplinary themes that the International Baccalaureate considers essential in the context of international education, known as the Program of Inquiry (POI).
Unit of Inquiry
Students at MYIS International School inquire into and learn about local and global issues in the context of units of inquiry, each of which addresses a particular transdisciplinary theme.
Each of these units:
- stands alone as an engaging, challenging, relevant and significant experience
- contributes to a coherent, school-wide program of inquiry that is framed in terms of transdisciplinary themes of global significance
- draws together elements of different subject areas (language, mathematics, personal social physical education, the arts, science and social studies) to support the exploration of a central idea.
Who we are
Central Idea: The interaction between and among body systems contributes to health and survival
Key Concepts: Form, function, connection
Related Concepts: Systems, Interdependency, health
Lines of Inquiry:
- Structure and function of body systems
- Interaction of body systems
- Impact of personal choices on body systems
Where we are in place and time
Central Idea: Explorations lead to discoveries, opportunities and new understandings
Key Concepts: Responsibility, causation, reflection
Related Concepts: Consequences, discovery, technology
Lines of Inquiry:
- Reasons for explorations
- Consequences of explorations
- New discoveries and understanding from explorations
How we express ourselves
Central Idea: Visual art reflects history, culture, and personal experience
Key Concepts: Form, perspective, reflection
Related Concepts: Perception, self-reflection
Lines of Inquiry:
- Cultural values in visual art
- How culture affects visual artists
- Personal experiences affect visual artists
How the world works
Central Idea: Biodiversity relies on maintaining the interdepended balance of organisms within systems
Key Concepts: Connection, causation, responsibility
Related Concepts: Balance, systems biodiversity
Lines of Inquiry:
- Interdependence of environment, biomes and ecosystems
- How human interaction affects the balance of systems
- Consequences of imbalance
How we organize ourselves
Central Idea: People use a system to produce, distribute and exchange goods and services
Key Concepts: Form, function, connection
Related Concepts: Interdependence, Supply & Demand, goods and services, employment
Lines of Inquiry:
- Organization of a business
- Economics of a business
- Factors that affect the economy
Sharing the planet
Central Idea: People’s actions and beliefs can lead to conflict and changes in communities and societies
Key Concepts: Causation, change, perspective
Related Concepts: Rights, wealth, power
Lines of Inquiry:
- Causes of conflict in American history
- Consequences of major U.S events in history
- Examination of different points of view around the conflict