Community Member Profile – Ms. Clara

This week we spoke to our Grade 4 Head Teacher Ms. Clara to get to know more about her….


Name or Nickname: 



MYIS Position / Job title: 

Grade 4 Head Teacher


How long have you been a part of MYIS?

I’ve been at MYIS nearly 1 1/2 years now!


What passions do you bring into the classroom?

Before I was a teacher I was a performer, so the passion I bring to the classroom comes from wanting to bring joy and a sense of wonder and fostering the desire to learn and be curious about the world. Having fun while learning is the most important thing.


What’s your favorite food?

Being a proud Hongkonger from birth, my favorite food is Dim Sum!


What was your first job? 

I’ve always been a teacher! My first job was coaching gymnastics and cheerleading to elementary school students in Australia when I was 14 or 15 years old.


What’s your favorite color? 

My favorite color is green, which you can definitely tell on an everyday basis because I’ve always got at least one green thing on my body!


What’s the most amazing place you’ve ever traveled to?  

I’ve been to so many amazing places in the world, but the most amazing place I’ve ever traveled to is a place called Petra in Jordan. The whole city is built on a giant scale into the rock face. The pictures just don’t do it justice, It was phenomenal.


What are 3 things you would want to have with you on a deserted island?

The three things that I would want on a desert island would be number one: An infinite amount of sunscreen, number 2: those tablets you can buy to take the dirt out of the water, number 3: my kindle because I already have about 200 books on there that I can read over and over again, unlimited reading!


What actor would you cast to play you in a movie about your life? 

In a movie about my life, I’d love to be played by Kate Winslet – she’s a wonderful actor who can do so many accents, and I’ve had a few of those in my life as a third culture kid!