In This Section

General Information
Our school year consists of two terms from August to December and January to June. Our major holidays periods are similar to other international schools in Bangkok.
This depends on the grade level. We maintain a class enrollment size conducive to promoting a quality classroom environment and providing effective instruction. Our youngest class (Trust & Caring) has a maximum number of 12 students/day. Our oldest Early Years class has a maximum of 18 students/day and for Grade 1 and up the maximum is 20 students. Each class has one head teacher and one co-teacher.
Students enrolled in MYIS do not take a nap at school. However, for our youngest students, we do have cots if they feel tired as they are transitioning into their new school schedule. Students ages 1-4 depart school at 12:30pm and therefore, a nap during the school day is usually not necessary.
Your child will learn English at MYIS International School. However, our concern is not speed, but rather meaning and understanding.
The first goal for our children is to let them develop an understanding about themselves and how the world works. We aim to build confidence, a love for learning and the ability to have ideas and thoughts expressed clearly. While your child is developing their strong self and getting confident in the many areas of development – social, emotional, physical, cognitive – he/she is also learning to communicate both in their mother tongue as well as English.
This process takes time and each child has his/her own pace of learning and development. All of our children learn to communicate in English – some may take less time, some may take more time. But what’s important about this approach is that your child is not only learning to speak a language, but also developing a deeper conceptual understanding of what he/she is communicating and why he/she is saying it.
You and your child will be invited to an interview with the School Principal. Through interactions and a natural conversation, the Principal will get to know you and your child better.
MYIS is an inclusive school community welcoming children from all backgrounds. In consultation with a professional at an early intervention center we can accept special needs children. Our experience tells us that special needs children succeed at MYIS when they simultaneously receive support from a specialist outside. Our program offers a suitable learning environment for special needs children who would benefit from a mainstream school for socialization, but not for the purpose of rehabilitation, therapy or related services.
We believe that early experiences matter. Research tells us that 80% of the brain is developed by the age of 3. Being exposed to the rich and stimulating environment at MYIS and allowing for such experiences from an early age will contribute to your child’s successful development both cognitively and physically.
We have been offering programs for 1-2 year olds for many years and we have seen time and time again how young children benefit from socialization, self-management and independence, language development, and an effortless transition to school culture, group settings and routines.
Yes, at MYIS we plan for a gradual separation/adjustment process for both the child and parent from the first day of school. We require and encourage parents to remain in the classroom to support the child’s transition in the new environment.
Our goal is to provide the child with tools and strategies to be successful in their first experience of separating from family and home life. This happens when the child’s trusted and loved ones (parent, relative or caregiver) are by his or her side helping form relationships with teachers, children and the environment. The result is a strong foundation of trust and confidence in themselves and others and joy and love for school.
Many of our young toddlers still take a nap when they first join school. In our Trust and Caring Class (1-2 year-olds), a comfortable soft space is provided for milk and rest time if needed. However, as the children develop, get stronger and become more engaged in our environment, they eventually adjust to our schedule, outgrow their nap and choose to explore and play with their classmates instead.
At MYIS we focus on developing the whole child. We instill in our students the learning dispositions to thrive and succeed not only in our school, but in any setting beyond MYIS.
Although, our recommendation is for your child to continue in an IB MYP or DP school, we have seen many of our students excel in a variety of academic settings – American, British or Thai. This is due to the qualities and attitudes they espouse, such as confidence, enthusiasm, and commitment to learning.