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“The miracle of children is that we just don’t know how they will change or who they will become.” – Eileen Kennedy-Moore
Gradual Separation
In order to assist with your child’s transition to school, MYIS plans carefully for a gradual separation and adjustment process for both the children and parents from the first day of school.
MYIS International School believes separation is a very sensitive process both for the parent and the child and if handled well, it fosters in the child the quality of trust and risk-taking which will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
Parent Involvement in Separation
A parent can help his/her child feel competent in this new environment. Dealing with separation will in essence be the curriculum for the first few days, or even weeks of your child’s school life. In order to facilitate separation, parents, whether mothers or fathers, are invited to stay back with their children on the first day of school.