In This Section
The health and safety of our children is an important concern for the entire MYIS community.
Preparedness, planning and protection are vital considerations for the school in order to ensure a safe and healthy community. We realize that a safe and secure environment maximizes opportunities for learning in the classroom.
Although accidents are part of a child’s journey in life, our goal is to make certain that each child is cared for in a nurturing, supportive and effective way.
School Nurse
MYIS has a full-time certified School Nurse who is responsible for providing care for injured and ill children and implementing school-wide health management protocols.
The school nurse regularly visits the classrooms to monitor children for flu-like symptoms. Children who develop flu-like symptoms during the school day are evaluated by the nurse and the child’s parents are contacted accordingly. The school nurse also plays a key role in reminding children to carry out good hygienic practices, such as washing hands frequently, sneezing into a tissue and avoiding the sharing of utensils.
The Nurse’s Office is equipped with a resting bed, refrigeration, medication (used only with parental consent), and medical equipment.
First Aid Training
Each year the MYIS staff participate in a first aid course that offers instruction on how to provide immediate care for an injured child or adult victim. The training includes information on how to assess an emergency situation and how to treat victims with wounds, bruises, burns and broken bones. The first aid also includes modules for CPR and choking.
Safety Committee
MYIS works with external auditors to test the safety of its equipment, facilities and electrical systems. The school also has an internal “Child Safeguarding Committee” whose responsibility is to organize risk assessment and management records, supervise regular maintenance checks, identify hazards and threats, and improve safety standards. The Committee invites the input of all community members in assessing risks and hazards on campus.