Frequently Asked Questions about International Schools in Thailand

Considering an international school for your child in Thailand? You’re far from alone – the vibrant international school scene here draws families from across the globe. But with so many options, it’s natural to have plenty of questions. As a leading international school in Nonthaburi, we at MYIS get asked about every aspect of our approach. Here are answers to some of the most common queries prospective parents have.

What Curriculum Do International Schools in Thailand Follow?

For parents, this is often a top priority. At MYIS, we follow the renowned International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum from 1-16 year olds. Emphasizing critical thinking, inquiry-based learning, and a global perspective, the IB is one of the most prestigious and widely-recognized educational programs worldwide. While challenging, the IB is all about nurturing students’ natural curiosity and love of learning. Our teachers are experts at sparking wonder and excitement through hands-on activities and immersive lessons. As you would expect, the academics are rigorous, but we make it an enriching experience, not an overly stressful one.

How Much Does International School in Thailand Cost?

Quality international education is not a cheap option, though it is a worthwhile investment. At MYIS, termly tuition fees range from around 115,000 THB for preschoolers up to around 300,000 for Middle Years. There are also one-time admission and enrollment fees. We understand this is a major investment for families. But we’re upfront that our prices directly allow us to recruit world-class faculty, maintain an amazing student-teacher ratio, and provide truly exceptional learning resources and facilities.

My Family Isn’t Planning to Stay in Thailand Long-Term. Is International School Still a Good Option?

Definitely. Thanks to the IB’s incredibly mobile, globally-recognized curriculum, your child can transfer seamlessly to other leading international schools anywhere in the world. Many of our students go on to top universities across Europe, North America, Australia, and beyond.

What is the Teaching Approach at International Schools in Thailand?

In a nutshell, at MYIS International School we aim to nurture curious, creative, ethical young people who will be forces for good in our world. Our inquiry-based approach gets students actively investigating real-world issues to develop deep conceptual understanding. We prioritize collaboration, communication, critical thinking skills–not rote memorization.

We continue to have a strong academic focus at the same time. It’s not an “easy” program. We hold students to the highest standards and push them to realize their full potential. However, we do it in a way that nurtures each child’s unique potential, in a supportive, growth-oriented way.

“Free the child’s potential, and you will transform him into the world.” – Maria Montessori. This lies at the core of our educational beliefs.

What’s the Student Community Like at International Schools in Thailand?

This is one of our biggest sources of pride. MYIS brings together an incredibly rich, globally-diverse community hailing from across the world. You’ll find children of doctors, NGO leaders, entrepreneurs, and more, creating a fascinating cultural mosaic.

Despite their differences, our students build strong friendships across ethnicities while recognizing their own personalities. We have worked hard to create an environment of mutual respect and understanding. In turn, your child will develop an advantageous global perspective.

What are the Facilities Like at International Schools in Thailand?

When it comes to facilities, international schools in Thailand offer impressive facilities. Let’s start with the basics – international school classrooms tend to be modern, bright, air-conditioned spaces optimized for engaged learning. You’ll find flexible layouts with collaborative workstations, interactive whiteboards, and all the latest edtech. Science and computer labs are decked out with cutting-edge equipment as well.

At MYIS International School here in Nonthaburi, our facilities are something we are proud of. Our salt-water pool and a separate 25m pool, two modern gymnasiums, farm & garden, primary and secondary libraries, design & technology and visual arts studios allow students to explore a huge range of interests.

The point is, international schools invest heavily to create environments tailored for Total Childhood Education. Students aren’t just learning math and English – they’re discovering new passions, developing vital life skills, and flourishing as well-rounded individuals.

You’re getting value that goes far beyond what public schools can provide. Children spend upwards of 40 hours per week at school – an enriching, cutting-edge environment truly shapes their growth and lifelong mindset.

My Child Has Special Needs – Can International Schools in Thailand Accommodate?

Thanks to our robust learning support team and individualized approach, we’re able to accommodate many types of learning differences and special needs. MYIS is an inclusive school community welcoming children from all backgrounds.  In consultation with third party specialists, we can accept special needs children.Our experience tells us that special needs children succeed at MYIS when they simultaneously receive support from a specialist outside. Our program offers a suitable learning environment for special needs children who would benefit from being in a mainstream school. s.

How Can I Learn More About MYIS International School?

Hopefully these FAQs have helped address some of your top questions! But of course, the best way is to visit our beautiful Nonthaburi campus in person. Seeing the state-of-the-art facilities, interacting with our amazing teachers and students, and getting a true feel for the MYIS spirit – there’s really no substitute.

We’re excited for you to see why families from across Thailand and around the globe have chosen MYIS. Let’s connect soon about your international school journey! Reach out to schedule a tour and discussion.