Community Member Profile – Ms. Elisabeth

This week we spoke to our Grade 3 Head Teacher Ms. Elisabeth to get to know more about her….


Name or Nickname:



MYIS Position / Job title:

Grade 3 Head Teacher


How long have you been a part of MYIS?

This is my 4th year at MYIS. 


What passions do you bring into the classroom? Hmm.. where should I start? 

There are so many things that I love about this profession. I am filled with joy whenever I notice the twinkle in a student’s eyes as I capture their curiosity or see them enjoying school. As an educator, I take pride in instilling in students the idea of respect for others and themselves, recognizing their unique self, and developing confidence and self-esteem that will last their entire life. 


What’s your favorite food? 

My mom’s tofu bean paste soup!


What was your first job? 

My first job was as an English Interpreter. I did this for three years while I was studying in University for foreigners who visited Korea, and I had so much fun! I supported a tour group to visit Korean palaces and museums and sometimes followed delegates visiting Korea. I still remember the Jordanese prince who wanted to visit the South-North Korean border. He wished to talk to the Korean Generals and learn how the Korean military safely searched and destroyed the mines. He wanted to bring this knowledge back to his country in order to extract mines there and prevent casualties of his people. It required a lot of responsibility and preparation to make sure I could interpret the correct message to the prince, but it was an unforgettable experience.


What’s your favorite color? 



What’s the most amazing place you’ve ever traveled to?

I visited Egypt and saw their most famous landmarks, the Pyramids of Giza. It was marvelous. 


What are 3 things you would want to have with you on a deserted island?

  1. A durable solar panel
  2. Water filter sheets
  3. A knife


What actor would you cast to play you in a movie about your life? 

Natalie Portman or Kim Go-Eun (A Korean actress, known for her role in the television series Goblin).