Community Member Profile – Ms. Kem

This week we spoke to the Grade 2 Co-Teacher Ms. Kem to get to know more about her….


Name / Nickname: 

Kemberly “Kem”


MYIS Position: 

Co-Teacher in Grade 2 class


How long have you been part of MYIS? 

I’m so grateful to say that I just celebrated my 3rd year anniversary working with MYIS.


What passions do you bring into the classroom: 

The desire to improve myself as a teacher, because when teachers improve, lessons improve, learning improves and the students will improve.


What’s your favorite food?

Khao Man Gai 


What was your first job?

A teacher


What’s your favorite color?

I like pink


What’s the most amazing place you’ve ever traveled to?

Chiang Mai, Thailand is the most amazing place I’ve traveled to so far. 


What are 3 things you would want to have with you on a deserted island?

The 3 things that I would have with me on a deserted island would be water, food and my phone.


What actor would you cast to play you in a movie about your life?

Angelina Jolie