Day 396: Masonry Work in Classrooms
After a short break during the Songkran holidays, the masonry work at the new campus has resumed. The masonry work is now being carried out on all three floors of the buildings, including the classrooms, bathrooms, parent room, infirmary room, music room and science lab. A large crane was brought
Day 373: Masonry Work Begins
The structural work of the buildings at the new campus site is now days away from completion. Workers are making final repairs to the structure in order to prepare for the next phase of construction: the architectural work. The structure of the school’s amphitheatre is close to completion. Steel tie
Day 341: Roof Metal Sheet Installation Nearing Completion
On Day 341, the roof structure is looking more complete as the light-green colored metal sheet installation is nearing completion. Meanwhile, heavy machinery has also been brought in to fill and level the land of the L-shaped playground, the centerpiece of the new campus. Work has also been progressing in
Day 317: Steel Roof Structure Work Begins
The west wing of the new campus has made several advances as workers at the site began to lay steel form work underneath the roof slab to support the roof structure. Concrete was then poured for the roof slabs of the west wing. At the same time, the roof slabs
Day 299: Roof Structure Advancing
Over the past month, steel tie work, steel form work and concrete pouring were completed for the third floor columns in the west wing. At the same time, steel tie work for the roof slabs in the northeast and southeast wing had begun. This was followed by concrete pouring for