Ages: 4 – 5 years

The Creativity & Service Class offers a wealth of experiences for the children. The daily schedule includes: calendar activities, job charts, discussion and reflection, centers, outdoor play, specials, snack and lunch.

Through the Unit of Inquiry, the children delve deeper into the transdisciplinary subjects:

  • Science (human body, environment, water, etc.)
  • Social Studies (the family, different cultures, maps, etc.)
  • Visual Arts (paper mache, paint, clay, collage, etc.)
  • Language Arts (class discussions, dramatic play, writing, reading, phonics, etc.)
  • Math (sorting, counting, measuring, shape recognition, etc.)

The program is 5 days a week from 8:15am to 2:00pm (lunch included) with the option of After School Clubs. The Creativity Class has one head teacher, one co-teacher and a shared nanny for each class.

Program of Inquiry:


Transdisciplinary Theme: Who We Are
Central Idea: We use play to make meaningful connections and come to new understandings in our lives.

Passionate Communicators

Transdisciplinary Theme: How We Express Ourselves
Central Idea: Sharing our feelings and ideas drives us to develop effective was to communicate.


Transdisciplinary Theme: How the World Works
Central Idea: Air has many properties which we observe and use.

Caring for Living Things

Transdisciplinary Theme: Sharing the Planet
Central Idea: Living things have certain requirements in order to live, grow and stay healthy.